

1.   Monitoring and Evaluation

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1. Monitoring and Evaluation Projects.

Project Client Services Provided    
(a) Design of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) system for the Morant/Yallahs Rural Development Project GOJ/European Union (a) Reviewed the Institutional arrangement for Monitoring and Evaluation M&E in the Ministry of Agriculture and designed the M&E system for the Project
(b) Primary Education Improvement II Project GOJ/IDB (b) Reviewed and evaluated the Data base and institutional arrangements for Monitoring and Evaluation in the ministry of Education, designed and implemented the on-going Monitoring and Evaluation System for the project and conducted the Monitoring and Evaluation activities, over the life of the project
(c) Impact Evaluation of a Credit Programms to Small Business and Micro-enterprise Operators GOJ/GON (c) Designed and conducted a sample survey of Credit Beneficiaries, conducted interviews and discussions with the Credit Institutions as well as with the project Management Unit. Conducted a full-scale Impact Evaluation at the Institution and Beneficiary levels.
(d) Evaluated and revised a Corporate Business Plan Jamaica Agricultural Society (JAS) (d) Full responsability
GOJ = Government of Jamaica IDB = Inter-American Development Bank
JPIP = Jamaica Pre-investment Programme T.A. = Technical Assistance
GON = Government of the Netherlands PIOJ = Planning Institute of Jamaica
JCDT = Jamaica Conservation Development Trust I = Investment
(Clients/Services Provided)

2.   Land Reform Programme

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Project Client Services Provided    
The Mount Wynne/Peters' Hope Land Settlement Project (in progress) to support Agricultural Diversification Policies. Government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines Provided 52 Man -months of Technical Assistance covering:
* Land Capability and Hydrological Studies
* Monitoring and Evaluation
* Land Surveying
* Road Construction
* Architect Service for restoration of buildings
* Agro-Industry and Agricultural Marketing * Agricultural Credit and
* Agricultural Extension Services
GOJ = Government of Jamaica IDB = Inter-American Development Bank
JPIP = Jamaica Pre-investment Programme T.A. = Technical Assistance
GON = Government of the Netherlands PIOJ = Planning Institute of Jamaica
JCDT = Jamaica Conservation Development Trust I = Investment
(Clients/Services Provided)

3.   Environmental Management

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Project Client Services Provided    
(a) Two national parks feasibility study and Business Plan Jamaica Conservation Development Trust/ Planning Institute of Jamaica (JCDT/PIOJ) (a) Reviewed the Institutional and Financial Requirements for the long-term sustainability of the National parks and prepared a Project Proposal and Business Plan to support request for funding for a Programme of sustainable development and management.
(b )Pre-feasibility study of six watersheds in Jamaica Jamaica Pre-Investment Programme (JPIP)/PIOJ (b) Conducted Land Capability and Hydrological Studies, Market investigations for forestry products; Technical and Institutional analysis of the Forestry Sector. Identified technical options for reforestation and prepared the Pre-feasibility Report.
(c) Great River Integrated Watershed Management Project GOJ/GON (c) Conducted a Problem Analysis in the Great River Watershed, identified the components of the project and prepared a Project Identification Document for the Rehabilitation and Protection of the Watershed.
GOJ = Government of Jamaica IDB = Inter-American Development Bank
JPIP = Jamaica Pre-investment Programme T.A. = Technical Assistance
GON = Government of the Netherlands PIOJ = Planning Institute of Jamaica
JCDT = Jamaica Conservation Development Trust I = Investment
(Clients/Services Provided)

4.   Financial and Economic Analysis

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Project Client Services Provided    
(a) Economic Analysis of the Export Crop Project as part of the Project Completion Report (PDR) for the project World Bank (a) Reviewed the Financial Analysis conducted for the project, identified the economic costs and output values and computed the ERR of the project using a Discounted Resource Flow Statement.
(b )Agro-processing Plant Business PLan (Fresh-water fish processing for export) Natural Resources Institute, London (b) Reviewed the marketing arrangements; identified the investment and operating costs; analyze the raw material requirements and conducted the commercial evaluations.
(c) River Bay FIsherman's Beach Upgrading Project Tourism Product Development Co/GOJ (c) Deceloped Artisinal Fishing Enetrprise Models, conducted Financial and Economic Analysis and designed the Institutional framework for implementing and operating the project..
(d) Cost Benefit Analysis - Tissue Culture Laboratory and Shade-house facilities Scientific Research Council (SCR)/GOJ (d) Conducted the demand study for tissue cultured products and conducted the C/B analysis of the Government Laboratory and Shade-house Facilities.
GOJ = Government of Jamaica IDB = Inter-American Development Bank
JPIP = Jamaica Pre-investment Programme T.A. = Technical Assistance
GON = Government of the Netherlands PIOJ = Planning Institute of Jamaica
JCDT = Jamaica Conservation Development Trust I = Investment
(Clients/Services Provided)

5.   Market Research

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Project Client Services Provided    
(a) Market study for a School Fees Savings Plan Local Insurance Company (a) Responsible for planning and conducting a sample survey of Parents and Guardians island-wide and compute the existing and projected demand for a School Fees Savings Plan.
(b ) Market study for agro-processing products. Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) (b) Conducting a sample survey of Distributors in leading Supermarket Chains and estimated the demand for processed banana chips.
(c) Feasibility Study and Business Plan for ornamental and horticultural products Private Investor (c) Reviewed the marketing arrangements; identified the investment and operating costs; analyzed the raw material requirements and conducted the commercial evaluations.
(d )Market demand study for Occupational Health Services in S. Thomas, Kingston and St. Catherine Private Sector Organization of Jamaica (d) Conducted a sample survey of Factor Managers in the three parishes- St. Catherine, St. Andrew and Kingston and estimated the demand for occupational Health Services in these parishes.
GOJ = Government of Jamaica IDB = Inter-American Development Bank
JPIP = Jamaica Pre-investment Programme T.A. = Technical Assistance
GON = Government of the Netherlands PIOJ = Planning Institute of Jamaica
JCDT = Jamaica Conservation Development Trust I = Investment
(Clients/Services Provided)

6.   Agricultural Policy Analysis;
      Regional and National Planning

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Project Client Services Provided (a) The South Coast Sustainable Development Master Plan preparation GOJ/IDB (a) Conducted the land-use studies, the crop and livestock sub-sector studies, the Agricultural Extension Programme, the Socio-economic studies and crop enterprise models. (b ) North East Coast Regional Development Plan Urban Development Corporation GOJ (b) Prepared the Agricultural components of the overall Regional Development Plan. (c) Agricultural Policy and Medium-term Development Plan Jamaica Ministry of Agriculture GOJ (c) Conducted Agricultural Policy analysis, prepared the policy document and the Mid-term Agricultural Plan. (d Eastern Jamaica Agricultural Support Services Project (EJASP) Rural Agricultural Development Authority (RADA) European Union (d) Prepared coffee rehabilitation and expansion sub-project and provided institutional support to the Coffee Co-operative. Keys GOJ = Government of Jamaica IDB = Inter-American Development Bank JPIP = Jamaica Pre-investment Programme T.A. = Technical Assistance GON = Government of the Netherlands PIOJ = Planning Institute of Jamaica JCDT = Jamaica Conservation Development Trust I = Investment
(Clients/Services Provided)

7.   Current and Recent Projects

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Project Client Services Provided    
(a) Jamaica Coastal Water Improvement Project GOJ/USAID (a) Designed and implemented a focused training programme to facilitate the development of a corps of Community Organizers capable of sustaining of a community development process in the project's target area.
(b )Development of Environmental Management Organizations (DEMO) GOJ/USAID (b)Designed and implemented a training programme in Problem Analysis and Project Identification for a corps of Community Organizers as part of the development of island-wide Environmental Community-based Organizations.
(c) Chambers Pen Agro-processing Project Jamaica Social Investment Fund (JSIF) (c) Conducted market demand and raw material analysis studies for a proposed Community-based cane juice processing venture.
(d) Bog Walk poultry rearing and processing project Private Investment (d) Conducted the technical and commercial evaluations for the setting up of a vertically integrated poultry operation. Also designed the management system for implementation and management of the project.
Jamaica Watershed Management Project GOJ/Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Designed the Farm Enterprise Models and conducted the financial and commercial evaluations for the project.
Liberia two–year Post war Reconstruction Programme. United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) Assisted the preparation of a two–year Post-war Reconstruction programme for presentation at a Donors Confence in Paris, April 1998.
Pan–African Institute for Eastern and Southern Africa (PAID/ESA-Zambia) Training programme. Commonwealth Secretariat
  • Assisted the institute to upgrade their training programme in the planning , management and evaluation of Rujral Development projects.
  • Coordinated the post –implementation evaluation of five Rural Development projects in Malawi.
Jamaica Social Investment Fund Pilot Projects Jamaica Social Investment Fund (JSIF) Prepared the technical, financial and institutional feasibility studies for four social infrastructure projects ( community Centre, Basic School, Girls Home and an Infirmary)
Management Audit/Organizational Review of the Development Finance Corporation of Belize (DF) Government of Belize/Caribbean Development Bank Conducted a detail audit of the management and operations of the DFC to support a continuation of funding support from the Caribbean Development Bank.
Agricultural Support Services Project GOJ/ World Bank Conducted the financial and economic analyses and designed the monitoring and evaluation system for the project.
Agricultural Support Services Project GOJ/World Bank Reviewed the arrangements for monitoring and evaluation in the Ministry of Agriculture and designed the Monitoring and Evaluation System for the Project.
Baseline Study of NGO's in Jamaica CTA Prepared a baseline study of NGOs in Jamaica to support a decision by CTA to establish an NGO partnership arrangement in Jamaica.
Institutional Strengthening Project THE Jamaica Ministry of Finance/PAMCO Designed and implemented a programme of training in Project Appraisal and Project Evaluation for the monitoring and Evaluation Officers of the Company.
Small and Micro-enterprise Development Project (Solidarity) Government of Jamaica Designed and implemented a programme of training to Micro-credit Officers in the identification, preparation and evaluation of micro-credit projects.
Institutional Strengthening Proramme for Jamaica United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Coordinated the establishment of a project data bank in the Planning Institute of Jamaica with two modules, one each in the Project Analysis and Monitoring Company and the other in the Ministry of Finance.
Technical Assistance Programme to the Government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines Government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines/Organization of American States Provided seven man months of Institutional Strengthening support to the Agricultural Planning Unit in the Government. The assignment included the training of staff in the management of agricultural statistics, the assessment of training and equipment needs, the design and testing of data collection instruments and the preparation of a procedures manual for the collection processing and management of agricultural statistics.
Jamaica Micro-enterprise Development Project for unemployed women Jamaica Promotions Ltd. (Jamaica's Investment Promotions Agency) Prepared a series of Opportunity Profiles and Business Plans in agricultural pest control services as part of an income generating initiative for unemployed women.
Baseline Study on the Status of Children and Women in depressed urban and deep rural areas in Jamaica United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF) Coordinated a socio-economic study(Situational Analysis} of Children and women in specially difficult circumstances in Jamaica.
Agricultural Support Project Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) Assisted in the identification and preparation of the productive projects component of the project.
The World Summit on Social Development –Copenhagen– 1995 progresses reporting United Nations Development Programme, Jamaica Prepared the Jamaica 1999 progress report on its achievements in social development since the 1995 Copenhagen summit.
Caribbean Trade Financing Project Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) Reviewed the development of capital markets in the Caribbean in relation to the financing of Caribbean Trade.
The Role of State Trading Organizations in the Caribbean Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) Reviewed the activities of State Trading Organizations in the English speaking Caribbean and the extent to which the opportunity existed for cooperation among them.
GOJ = Government of Jamaica IDB = Inter-American Development Bank
JPIP = Jamaica Pre-investment Programme T.A. = Technical Assistance
GON = Government of the Netherlands PIOJ = Planning Institute of Jamaica
JCDT = Jamaica Conservation Development Trust I = Investment
(Clients/Services Provided)

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